
李原光 行业动态 2024-07-26 17 0


编译 | 未玖

Science, 8 MAR 2024, VOL 383, ISSUE 6687



Adaptive optical imaging with entangled photons


▲ 作者:Patrick Cameron, Baptiste Courme, Chloé Vernière, Raj Pandya, Daniele Faccio & Hugo Defienne

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▲ Abstract:

Adaptive optics (AO) has revolutionized imaging in fields from astronomy to microscopy by correcting optical aberrations. In label-free microscopes, however, conventional AO faces limitations because of the absence of a guide star and the need to select an optimization metric specific to the sample and imaging process. Here, we propose an AO approach leveraging correlations between entangled photons to directly correct the point spread function. This guide star–free method is independent of the specimen and imaging modality. We demonstrate the imaging of biological samples in the presence of aberrations using a bright-field imaging setup operating with a source of spatially entangled photon pairs. Our approach performs better than conventional AO in correcting specific aberrations, particularly those involving substantial defocus. Our work improves AO for label-free microscopy and could play a major role in the development of quantum microscopes.

Multimodality integrated microresonators using the Moiré speedup effect


▲ 作者:Qing-Xin Ji, Peng Liu, Warren Jin, Joel Guo, Lue Wu, Zhiquan Yuan, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

High-Q microresonators are indispensable components of photonic integrated circuits and offer several useful operational modes. However, these modes cannot be reconfigured after fabrication because they are fixed by the resonator’s physical geometry. In this work, we propose a Moiré speedup dispersion tuning method that enables a microresonator device to operate in any of three modes. Electrical tuning of Vernier coupled rings switches operating modality to Brillouin laser, bright microcomb, and dark microcomb operation on demand using the same hybrid-integrated device. Brillouin phase matching and microcomb operation across the telecom C-band is demonstrated. Likewise, by using a single-pump wavelength, the operating mode can be switched. As a result, one universal design can be applied across a range of applications. The device brings flexible mixed-mode operation to integrated photonic circuits.

材料科学Materials Science

Bioresorbable shape-adaptive structures for ultrasonic monitoring of deep-tissue homeostasis


▲ 作者:Jiaqi Liu, Naijia Liu, Yameng Xu, Mingzheng Wu, Haohui Zhang, Yue Wang, et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Monitoring homeostasis is an essential aspect of obtaining pathophysiological insights for treating patients. Accurate, timely assessments of homeostatic dysregulation in deep tissues typically require expensive imaging techniques or invasive biopsies. We introduce a bioresorbable shape-adaptive materials structure that enables real-time monitoring of deep-tissue homeostasis using conventional ultrasound instruments. Collections of small bioresorbable metal disks distributed within thin, pH-responsive hydrogels, deployed by surgical implantation or syringe injection, allow ultrasound-based measurements of spatiotemporal changes in pH for early assessments of anastomotic leaks after gastrointestinal surgeries, and their bioresorption after a recovery period eliminates the need for surgical extraction. Demonstrations in small and large animal models illustrate capabilities in monitoring leakage from the small intestine, the stomach, and the pancreas.

Attosecond-pump attosecond-probe x-ray spectroscopy of liquid water


▲ 作者:Shuai Li, Lixin Lu, Swarnendu Bhattacharyya, Carolyn Pearce, Kai Li, Emily T. Nienhuis, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Attosecond-pump/attosecond-probe experiments have long been sought as the most straightforward method for observing electron dynamics in real time. Although there has been much success with overlapped near-infrared femtosecond and extreme ultraviolet attosecond pulses combined with theory, true attosecond-pump/attosecond-probe experiments have been limited. We used a synchronized attosecond x-ray pulse pair from an x-ray free-electron laser to study the electronic response to valence ionization in liquid water through all x-ray attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (AX-ATAS). Our analysis showed that the AX-ATAS response is confined to the subfemtosecond timescale, eliminating any hydrogen atom motion and demonstrating experimentally that the 1b1 splitting in the x-ray emission spectrum is related to dynamics and is not evidence of two structural motifs in ambient liquid water.

地球科学Earth Science

CO2 drawdown from weathering is maximized at moderate erosion rates


▲ 作者:Aaron Bufe, Jeremy K. C. Rugenstein & Niels Hovius

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▲ Abstract:

Uplift and erosion modulate the carbon cycle over geologic timescales by exposing minerals to chemical weathering. However, the erosion sensitivity of mineral weathering remains difficult to quantify. Solute-chemistry datasets from mountain streams in different orogens isolate the impact of erosion on silicate weathering—a carbon dioxide (CO2) sink—and coupled sulfide and carbonate weathering—a CO2 source. Contrasting erosion sensitivities of these reactions produce a CO2-drawdown maximum at erosion rates of ~0.07 millimeters per year. Thus, landscapes with moderate uplift rates bolster Earth’s inorganic CO2 sink, whereas more rapid uplift decreases or even reverses CO2 sequestration. This concept of an “erosion optimum” for CO2 drawdown reconciles conflicting views on the impact of mountain building on the carbon cycle and permits estimates of geologic CO2fluxes dependent upon tectonic changes.

Climate change is an important predictor of extinction risk on macroevolutionary timescales


▲ 作者:Cooper M. Malanoski, Alex Farnsworth, Daniel J. Lunt, Paul J. Valdes & Erin E. Saupe

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▲ Abstract:

Anthropogenic climate change is increasing rapidly and already impacting biodiversity. Despite its importance in future projections, understanding of the underlying mechanisms by which climate mediates extinction remains limited. We present an integrated approach examining the role of intrinsic traits versus extrinsic climate change in mediating extinction risk for marine invertebrates over the past 485 million years. We found that a combination of physiological traits and the magnitude of climate change is necessary to explain marine invertebrate extinction patterns. Our results suggest that taxa previously identified as extinction resistant may still succumb to extinction if the magnitude of climate change is great enough.




